
1074-GT  영웅의 도끼 가격:350,000원

전설적인 양날 도끼는 영웅이나 용맹성에 비유되어져 전설속에 불멸의 무기로 여겨진다.길이:약80 cm. (31 1/2") 넓이:25 cm. (10")인 양날 도끼는 무시무시하지만 우아한 곡선에 볼트 모양으로 손잡이 부분을 장식하여 기능과 모양을 매우 조화롭게 만들었다.양쪽날을 보호하는 커버가 있다. .


1072-GT  바이킹 도끼 ¥ 1073-GT  Bearded 도끼

Patterned after weapons used by the Vikings in the 10th century in Scandinavia and the 11th century in Britain, these two-handed axes were capable of mighty contest-ending blows in the hands of a strong man, cleaving helms or armour with impunity.  Like the originals, the heads of these axes are forged and ground to a keen edge.  Both have handle lengths of approximately 80 cm. (31 1/2").


바이킹 던지기용 도끼(KW-H52) was a light axe borrowed from the Frankís War with the Romans. The Beared Axe (KW-H53) had a "Beard" or increased depth at the lower end of the blade, adding the rigidity needed for a weapon that could also be used for chopping chores.

The Native American's stone war club became a metal Throwing Tomahawk (KW-H56) when iron was obtained from traders. These hardwood-hafted weapons are competition-approved.

1076-GT  미늘창(창과도끼를 겸함)

Designed for crushing blows and powerful thrusts, this halberd is patterned after an early Lochaber Axe. The blade, showing the evidence of the smith's hammer blows, is 53 cm. (21") long with an overall length of 208 cm. (82")  The tailpiece is ball-ended and the oval shaft is approximately 35 x 25 mm. (1.4" x 1") in section.

Product Feature 


      *저희 홈페이지의 사진이나 내용은 무단 복제 사용 할수없습니다.무단 복제 사용시 법에 저촉을 받을 수 있습니다.