Product Feature

Sir William Marshall Sword

2000-GT High Carbon
2001-GT Folded Steel
C.A.S. Iberia is proud to present a piece based from the original that was used by one of the finest Knights, Sir William Marshall, who served the Crown of England faithfully under Henry II, Richard the Lionheart and Jack Lackland.

Sir William Marshall was born a poor noble about 1145 A.D. but by the time of his death in 1219 A.D. he was Regent of England, with the young King Henry III under his care. His loyalty, honor, courage and integrity were never questioned and was considered the premier jouster in tournaments and the premier warrior in combat. When most men died in their 40's, Sir William Marshall lived and fought well in to his 70's.

The blade has a deep central fuller that provides a great deal of strength for strong thrust and fearsome cuts. Made from high carbon steel, tempered to a very tough spring, the thick, solid pommel balances the blade, and produces a sword that is quick, light and well balanced; truly the sword of a Warrior.

Available in forged, high carbon steel (2000-GT) and folded steel (2001-GT) versions with a scabbard.

Blade: 33-1/4" Overall: 40"

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