

Our 르네상스 스타일 레이피어trace their origins to early 17th century Europe, where swordplay with the Rapier was considered an essential part of a gentleman's education and was often used in resolving gentlemanly disagreements. Blades generally originated in one of the blade making centers such as Toledo or Solingen, but many differences in styling and hilt materials resulted from the local manufacture of hilts all over Europe. All of the Rapiers shown are civilian weapons, though the Pappenheimer style (1025-GT) was also widely used as a military arm in the Thirty Years War (1618-48).
Model        Blade    Overall
1023-GT     38"         45"
1024-GT     38"         44"
1025-GT     38"         45"


The final form of the Swept Hilt Rapier evolved from the practice of hooking the forefinger over the quillon and around the ricasso for better blade control, the various branches of the guard being designed to protect different parts of the hand in this position.

The Main gauche, or left hand dagger, was often used with the rapier, providing an added dimenson in both offnse and defense, and the "Schools of Fence" which profilerated in Europe during this period taught the use of the two eapons in combination. The Main Gauche would often match the Rapier in styling, while incorporating features whcih maximized the effectiveness of the piece.

Model         Blade     Overall
1026-GT        38"          45"
1027-GT         38"         44"
       1029-GT         14"         17-1/2"


Replicating a 17th century museum piece, our 삼지창 (1031-GT) illustrates the skill and ingenuity of the bladesmiths of the period. Worn as a straight dagger, the weapon becomes highly effective Main gauche at the touch of button, when the spring-loaded side pieces of the split blade fly open to become blade trappers. At the same time the offensive capability provided by the point is retained. The matching 레이피어 (1028-GT) will allow the well-dressed gentleman to defend his honor in style.
Model             Blade             Overall
1028-GT               97cm(38")       114cm( 45")
1031-GT       29cm(11-1/2")          47cm(18-1/2")


Our Swept Hilt Rapiers all feature hand-forged high-carbon spring steel blades and show some of the diversity of hilt styling and materials of construction available during the heyday of the Rapier.

Fencing in the Renaissance style is rapidly growing in popularity, combining the quickness of light blades with the structure and spirit of the duel. The Fencing Rapier (1032-GT), a standard in the sport, is available with either the Schlaeger blade (1032B-GT) or double-wide Epee (Musketeer) blade (1032-GT) as shown. Either blade will fit the 301-OK sheath (page 28).  The Main Gauche (left-hand dagger) (1033-GT) is fitted with the flexible training blade, ideal for the two-weapon fencing mode. The use of a mask  is essential in any fencing activity, and we recommend the ACDI09 mask for use with these weapons.

Model Blade Overall
1032-GT 37" 42"
1033-GT 17-1/2" 22-1/2"

Product Feature 


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