Westair Reproductions Ltd


These five reproduction Tournament Knights from the 13th to the 16th century stand approximately 4cm high and are manufactured from lead-free pewter. Each figure comes packaged with historical information which tells how the tournaments began and the weapons and armour worn.

13th Century Tournament Knight
This knight carries a shield and a sword. A breast plate and back plate of
   leather was worn along with flat shoulder plates. This knight wears an
   early great helm with a crest.

16th Century Tournament Knight
This knight is dressed for jousts of peace where a tilt or barriers were used and the 
lances were blunt. He is protected by a metal jousting shield fastened 
at the shoulder which would protect the knight from serious injury.

Tournament Knight Circa 1500
This knight wears a helmet and is holding an axe. He also wears a plate defence 
for the left hand along with reinforcement for the right hand. This armour was 
effective as a shield for protection during combat.

Tournament Knight Circa 1511
This knight wears a veil from his frog mouthed helmet and carries a lance. 
His horse's head is protected by head and neck armour. This armour was 
protection against wooden splinters from shattered lances.

Tournament Knight Circa 1520
This knight is wearing a Sallet helmet topped with a crest. 
He carries a lance used to knock his opponent from his horse 
during a joust. He is dressed for a joust of war which was 
often run in fields with sharp lances.
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