Westair Reproductions Ltd

Military Masters
A series of highly detailed figures which stand approximately 6cm high and are made from English lead-free pewter. The series include Roman, Scottish, Egyptian and Tudor figures.

American Confederate & Union Soldiers
Manufactured in polished pewter with an antique finish and supplied boxed with historical information. There are 3 Union and 3 Confederate figures.
Standard Bearer
The standard bearer carries a standard and a small round shield. He wears armour plates in his kilt and upper arms and has a groin guard. The standard bearer worked as banker for his unit.

Centurion from Legion II Augusta
The Legion II Augusta became established at Caerleon in the 1st century AD. The helmet has a plume and the centurion is armed with a short sword and a dagger. The leg armour signifies his rank.
Centurion from Legion XX Valeria
The XX legion was based at Chester during the 1st century AD. His helmet has a transverse crest. The centurion has mail armour and greaves cover his lower  legs. He carries a short sword and a dagger.

Richard III in Armour
This figure shows the armour that King Richard III was killed in the Battle of Bosworth 1485. Note the crown on top of the sallet type helmet and the battle axe in his hand.
Infantryman from Legion II Adiutrix
This infantryman has an unusual oval shield. The helmet is crested with horsehair and side plumes. He carries a short sword used with short, stabbing movements.

9th Century Thegn
This Anglo-Saxon warrior was representative of the upper classes of the time. He wears a helmet similar to that found at Coppergate, York and is armed with a short sword and has mail as armour.
The Vikings were notoriously fierce people that spread from Scandinavia to Britain, Ireland, Russia and down through France into Italy and Spain. The main period of their expansion was from 793AD to the 11th century.

English Civil War Harquebusier
The harquebusier was basically a cavalryman of either side during the Civil War between the Roundheads and Cavaliers. He was armed with a flintlock carbine and sword and often pistols as well.
Italian Armour Circa 1450
The Italians were great armourers at this time and exported armour all over Europe. This armour is based on that owned by the German family, von Match, of the period.

Scottish Officer in Full Dress
Full highlander dress with the kilt was restored to this regiment in 1881. This officer weare a tartan kilt and a badger head sporran. He wears a feather bonnet with a diced border, white plume and six tails.
Scottish Piper
This piper wears belted plaid and a Kilmarnock bonnet with diced border and black feathers on the left. His cloth hose are kept up with red garter ribbons. Note the fife case slung on the right hip.

Scottish Highlander
Full highlander dress with the kilt was restored to this regiment in 1881. This piper wears a tartan kilt and a grey sporran with three black tails. He is wearing a glengarry on his head with black cock feathers. 
Tudor Armour
King Henry VIII founded the first Royal Armoury workshop at Greenwich in 1515. Top craftsmen were brought in from Europe to manufacture the armour. This model is unusual as it encases the whole body.


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