Westair Reproductions Ltd


Sets of finely reproduced metal figures each of which stands approximately  4cm high with an antique pewter finish.


17th Century Figures
A set of five packaged figures comprising Cavaliers from the 17th century.
  • CPB- 5 different individually bagged
  • CP1- 5 different individually boxed
  • CP5- 5 different boxed set of 5
Knights in Armour
A set of five packaged figures comprising knights circa 1300AD, 1400AD, two knights circa 1400-1500AD and from the 16th century.

Roman Military Figures
A set of five packaged Roman figures comprising a gladiator, praetorian, legionary, ensign and infantry officer.
Scottish Military Figures
A set of five packaged Scottish figures comprising a piper, corporal, drum major, cavalry officer and field officer.

Confederate Soldiers

Union Solider

 Viking Warriors
A set of five packaged figures comprising Viking Warriors ready to go into battle. 
American Civil War Soldiers
These finely reproduced pewter metal soldiers are 4cm tall with an antique finish. The figures are supplied in a presentation box as a set of 5.

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